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Shelly/ Consultant

“I was able to let go of my perfectionism and my illusions that had made my life a prison.”

Shelly/ Consultant

I am 62 years old. Mother of 3 children, divorced. Before starting to meditate I lived many years of stress, control, perfectionism, hard work, fatigue, lack of sleep linked to my expectations of recognition and professional success. I had to be perfect everywhere. A vicious circle since there is never satisfaction in this world. As soon as I managed to reach a goal, the next one awaited me and so on. Earn money, be a perfect model of mother, climb the ladder of the hierarchy, an endless tunnel, without respite, guilt of neglecting my family, not having time for myself, for the people I love, to savor life, time for nothing, run… run… become a production machine, a machine to do.
All this for whom? For what? Since we do not get any benefit, no real happiness.

When I realized this state of affairs, I looked for happiness everywhere, in reading, in religions, in spirituality, from Sufism to Buddhism, from yoga to reiki, I went through the teachings, the practices, the courses. Yes I understood that joy and serenity exist, yes I intellectually understood all these teachings that speak of love, that come together and are similar without allowing me to become peace myself, without feeling the joy or the lightness so promised in my heart.

It was at that moment that a friend told me about this meditation that she practiced in Perth, Australia. I looked for the center closest to Geneva which was in Paris.

What a wonderful encounter. This simple method is very effective. It changed my life. What am I saying... it saved me.

Today, I am another woman, light and happy. I have energy to spare, and I feel so much younger. I was able to let go of my perfectionism and all my illusions that had made my life a prison. I thought I was living but I was suffocating. I got out of my hell and I can testify today that we can live, work, help, have fun, simply enjoy life in joy, serenity and lightness. We can be surrounded by stress, stressed and angry people and remain zen ourselves, in all inner peace. We can face difficult situations with the same serenity. I finally understood the true meaning of the teachings that I had read before.

But what has changed in fact? I discovered real Life, I took off the glasses of my illusions and POOF! my video stopped. I understood that I had lived all these years in my scenarios, in my videos, in my photos. I was also the author, the screenwriter, the cameraman and the main actress of all my illusions. I was locked in my convictions, my concepts, my habits, my knowledge, my responsibilities, my beliefs, my children, my work, my house, my… my… my… and I was going around in circles… I had lived a whole life in my head, in my mind.

What a joy to wake up from my dream after 58 years. But as long as we dream we don’t know that we are living in our dream. It was when I woke up that I understood! Wow! it was only a long, very long dream. And my life has changed.

My life today is like a river that flows calmly and without worries. It knows where it comes from, it knows where it is going, it knows that on its way it will find everything it needs. It will overcome obstacles but will move forward with confidence until it merges with its source.

Shelly / Consultant

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